
2024/04/25 - 09:36

Essay Topics for Kafka's Metamorphosis

A first help to give a frame to your paper

1. Comment on the significance of the title "The Metamorphosis."

2. Construct an interpretation of The Metamorphosis based on your account of why Gregor Samsa "found himself in his bed transformed into a monstrous vermin."

3. What role do the boarders play in The Metamorphosis?

4. Compare the metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa with the awakening of Edna Pontellier.

5. Can Freud's notions of Eros and the death instinct illuminate Gregor's plight?

(From: Malaspina University College)

Revision: 2021/01/09 - 23:40 - © Mauro Nervi

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